Year 9

How do you think the last 100 years should be remembered? A time of terror, war and death? Or inventions? Or maybe the struggle for freedom? Use this page to navigate to a few year 9 topics but add your views here. SAY WHAT YOU THINK WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT, PERSON or INVENTION – and WHY.

16 Responses to “Year 9”

  1. Matthew Thorne Says:

    I think the fall of the berlin wall should be remembered because it is a big event for germany because till this moment someone would get shot if the crossed it and now they can go round whats left of it.

  2. charlotte Says:

    i think it should be remeberd for its wars and important people that have made important history. like adolf hitler he started world war 2 and because of him 60 million people should also be rememberd for its technology like phones, computers, microsoft, planes colour films and much more.

  3. Nathan Says:

    Bin laden is important because he was an evil terrorist who blew up the twin towers in america.

  4. sam potter Says:

    usian bolt is a jamaican athlete who set a new world record at london olympics he is very famous to people all around the world at the olympics usian bolt celebrate with the olympics mascot

  5. ozzie smith batman Says:

    19666 batman coz it has changed technoligy

  6. Esme Clark Says:

    I think that there are lots of important events that have happened in the last 100 years but that one of the most important ones would be the world wars. I think this because so many people have been killed and half the citys in some countrys have had to be rebuilt. I think its so sad that children and parents had to be seperated because people couldn’t settle their differences in any other ways. Despite all this I think that more countrys overcome living with foreign people telling them what to do and pointing guns at them.I think it was good for Britain to help other countrys by declaring war to Germany but I think that people from Britain died unessarilly when we wern’t already involved. I also think that quite recently and still happening now British soldgers have been dying because they have been going ito places like Afganastan to keep the peace between their people;however I would like to think that other countrys would help Britain if anything like that happened to us. I think there have been some very brave people stand up for their rights and that more technology has been introduced to our world making it a better place, so aswell as bad devestating things happening the 20th century has also been a good century.

  7. Georgiaaa! Hancockk!:) Says:

    I think the last 100 years should be remembered as an awful terrible time of war and injuries because then if you think about now it’s all good, no world wars or people getting hurt as much as they did before! Plus now we have all the technology. However back then we had lots of great people like Nelson Mandella, as Nelson fighted for the right of black and white skined people should not make a difference like you should be able to go on the same bus and everything!

  8. Megan Ellis Says:

    The last 100 years should be remember of terror and war but also great people who made their point in the world. Everyone remembers the 2 World Wars. The time when everyone was so scared that they were going to be killed. The time when people were put in concentration camps. Related to this there were also amazing people who spoke up for what they believed in. For example Nelson Mandella and Martin Luther King wanted black people to be equal to white people and they changed so much. There were so many people who spoke up and changed life. They helped the world.

  9. beth howley Says:

    I think the last 100 years should be remembered for freedom. There has been lots of wars in the past 100 years and that means that alot of people have been standing up of their rights. For example, the Apartheid seperated white people from black people but people like Nelson Mandela stood up and aventually got what he protested for. Another example is the right for women to vote, they never gave up and, in the end, suceeded.

  10. Anna blackmore Says:

    I think that 9/11 is the most important event in the last 100 years and should be remembered, as it effected so many people, and lives.

  11. Lauren Gill Says:

    I think WW2 is the most important thing to remember thats happened in the past 100 years because it changed the way we live today. Over 60 million died and I think we should remember them… :l

  12. Joe Dolan Says:

    I think that the creation of the first computer is the most important event since, half of the world uses them and most of today’s technology is run with computers and has inspired many devices.

  13. Alex Neason Says:

    There are allot of events in the last 100 years that have changed society but world war two must have been one of the worst occurrences within the last one hundred years, six years of shear brutality. Death, loved ones taken away. World wars are a shock to society, but the good news is that they do not happen often. But when they do, chaos breaks loose. It started when Germany launched an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany after they refused to abort the attack on Poland. So many lives were lost…an estimated 50 million people died. This is why I think WW2 was one of the worst disasters within the past 100 years.

  14. harriet Says:

    i think the berlin wall falling down should be remebered because its something big to rememeber and it was big for the germans, thats why i think it should be important, remebered.

  15. Daniel Cleland Says:

    i think 9/11 was important because over 3000 people were killed by Al Qaeda and affected so many people

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